80C186 Microprocessors
Tekmos has developed an 80C186 core design that can be used to replace many variations of the 80C186 microprocessors. The TK80C186EB / TK80C188EB, which replaces the Intel 80C186EB / 80C188EB microprocessors, is available now.
The Tekmos 80C186 design has been carefully designed to duplicate the original 80C186 in all aspects except for co-processor support.
The TK80C186EB / TK80C188EB is available in the SQFP 80 package. Parts in the PLCC 84 package will be available in Q4. The PQFP 80 package is available on request.
Below is a list of 80C186 microprocessor variants that are either available immediately or under development. Consult the Intel and NXP Cross Reference to locate the equivalent Tekmos Device. If you need a version not listed here please: Contact Us.
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80C186 Microprocessor Parts
TK80C186EB / TK80C188EB Microprocessors
TK80C186EB / TK80C188EB Microprocessors Data Sheet: TK80C186EB / TK80C188EB
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14121 Highway 290 West
Building #15
Austin, TX 78737
Phone: (512) 342-9871